Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Countdown

So this year we are doing a Christmas Countdown-our version of an advent calendar--assuring we get to do all the favorite holiday things. It is my priority this year to make sure this ALL gets done. What better way than to set up a countdown so the kids can hold me accountable and force me to do it!! LOL! I took 24 envelopes and put different types of activities inside of them. These envelopes will then be hung on our tree. Some activities required a few gifts to be wrapped to go with it, so those got wrapped and the corresponding number was placed on it. With everything wrapped-it keeps all the supplies together, ensuring they won't get used or eaten before the activity takes place.  First, I had to have my calendar handy, so that I wouldn't plan a big activity on dance or scout night. There might have to be a few minor changes made, but other than that, I think we are good to go! Here are the 24 activities we have planned.

1. Drink hot cocoa while we read these books. (* Box of cocoa and a few of our Christmas books)
2. Camp out in the living room in pajamas and watch "Home Alone" (*Home Alone)
3. Read and watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (* The Grinch book)
4.Watch "Polar Express" and make popcorn (*Polar Express & bag of popcorn)
5. Hang these on the tree (Dollar Spot ornaments) (*ornaments)
6. Write Christmas Cards to your teacher (*construction paper rolled in a paper towel tube)
7. Make Christmas garland with Mom and Dad. (*Paper)
8. Watch "White Christmas" and spray fake snow on windows. (*White Christmas and Spray snow)
9. Watch the movie "Elf" while you color your own silly elf. (*Elf coloring pages)
10. Make felt reindeer using your handprint and footprint. (*Felt and googly eyes)
11.Draw a pic of your fave things to do at Christmas.  (*Construction paper)
12. Make candy cane reindeer and hang on the tree. (*Candy Canes, pipe cleaners)
13. Make snowflake ornaments out of these supplies. (*craft sticks, white paint)
14. Read "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" and watch the movie. (*Rudolph book and movie)
15. Make salt dough ornaments. (*Salt)
16. Watch "Frosty the Snowman" and draw pictures of what you would do if a snowman came to life. (*Frosty movie and paper)
17. Make gingerbread houses with Mom and Dad.  (*Gingerbread house kit)
18. Drive around with Mom and Dad to see Christmas Lights.  (*Wrap old keys-please dont wrap your good ones hehe)
19. Make handprint reindeer on felt. (*felt, googly eyes)
20. Make snowman ornaments using these supplies. (*craft foam, white and orange, fishing string)
21. Make Christmas trees with waffle cones. (*waffles cones, frosting, m&ms)
22. Read stories from "Christmas Tales" (*Christmas Tales book)
23. Read "The Night Before Christmas", set out cookies for Santa, and say a Christmas prayer. (*TNBC book)
24. (I missed this one somehow-its really number 7, if anyone cares LOL) Paint chip Christmas trees (*green/yellow/brown paint chips-sew)

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